Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm a bad bad Blogger

I'm a bad bad blogger but soooo much has been going on in my life, the blog was first to go. But today I had the best day at our formal at Club Amor. So many people, from what now seems a past life ago, attended, then pair that with all the new friends and family, well let's just say it makes one realize what things are important when life sometimes looks so gloomy. Arcadian, Lan, Bobo, Sepi, Argenta, Ent, Fay, Kess... all of them pretty much have been friends and family since I came to SL and they were all their with our regular guests at Amor. If any of you read this, you are are very special people and I love you all very much. To those that it has been such a long time since our paths have crossed, I have missed you and hope to see more of you in future.

Life is more than material things, more than the troubles that may burden you, more than health (good or bad). Life is about love, platonic and romantic. Friends and family that make you smile ear to ear seem to make all your burdens disappear when you are surrounded by their radiance. And yes all the people there today at the Formal radiate all sorts of energy and beauty. Good, loving souls that make you feel special and well, loved in return. And that folks is a medicine that is priceless.

I could rant on how the world needs more love but then that would sound like a bad song or poem. But I do feel that way *chuckles* And I mean that sincere, genuine, heart blessing love toward fellow man and woman.

I think I will leave this post as is because if I ramble too much more, I think everything could get lost in translation and no not a book/film reference.

I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day, that is if anyone is reading this. Peace and love to you!

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